Vision & Mandate
To establish a modern-day Antioch community whose core expression is a house of prayer for all peoples, committed to eschatological discipleship, spirit-led missions, and preparing the highways for the return of Jesus.
Our Values (CHRIST)
Centrality of the Scriptures
Holy Spirit Leadership
Rhythm of Ministry to the Lord and Fasting
International Family of Affections
Second Coming of Jesus
Team Ministry
Centrality of the Scriptures (The Word)
Scripture References: Ephesians 2:11-22; 1 Corinthians 3:10-21; Acts 13:1-3
Our commitment to the “Centrality of the scriptures” is rooted in three key principles. First, we build upon the eternal foundation laid by the Law and Prophets in the Old Testament and the Apostles’ Doctrine in the New Testament. Second, we embrace a biblical narrative that unfolds through the various covenants, illustrating God’s unwavering faithfulness to His people throughout history. Third, we prioritise the expression of the “7 Critical Musts” of Burning Hearts, which are the foundational messages and values we believe God wants our community to express and proclaim boldly.
Holy Spirit Leadership (The Prophetic)
Scripture References: Acts 1:7-8; Acts 13:2-3; Isaiah 6:1-7; Isaiah 11:2; 2 Corinthians 3:17-18
As Jesus demonstrated in his earthly life, abundant fruit in both character and power comes from a life yielded to and empowered by the Holy Spirit. As the Spirit unveils His glory to us, we become transformed more into His likeness. Modeling our lives after the patterns of Acts 1:8 and Acts 13, we choose to tarry in the unhurried rhythms of ministering to Him and hearing His voice, so that we can respond in obedience when the Spirit sends us in specific directions according to His perfect timing and in His glorious power.
Rhythm of Prayer, Worship & Fasting (Forerunner Ministry)
Scripture Reference: Acts 13:1-2; John 3:22-36; Revelation 1:5-7, 5:9-10, Isaiah 62:6-7, Isaiah 56:7; Psalm 132; Malachi 1:11,
Our value for the "rhythm of prayer, worship & fasting" is a response to the supreme worthiness of the Lamb. We prioritize His presence above all else, making His Word the foundation as we eat the scroll and live out a fasted lifestyle. Like John the Baptist, as friends of the bridegroom who prepare the way for Jesus, our ambition and joy is to first stand before Him to hear His voice. This rhythm of service entails a consistent cycle of coming in to behold His glory and going out to bear witness to His beauty.
International Family (Divine Friendship)
Scripture Reference: John 13-17, 1 John 3, 1 John 4:7-21, Ephesians 2, Ephesians 4, Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 11, Acts 2:44-46
Our commitment to nurturing an “international family'' is to give to Jesus a family that is one with Him. Beyond a movement, our desire is to be a family that serves and loves one another the same way Jesus modeled for us. By the power of the cross, we can overcome every dividing wall across generations, cultures, and ethnicities. If the tension of the end times largely revolves around relationships (offenses, hatred, betrayal, etc.), and it will culminate in a major reconciliation of the sons of Abraham in the Middle East, then the end-time prayer movement must be built upon a culture of family. The work we do will flow from that place because we are all about our Father’s business, not man’s. By this, the world will know we are His disciples.
Second Coming of Jesus (Eschatology)
Scripture Reference: Daniel 7, Psalm 2, Psalm 132:11-13, Matthew 23:39, Revelations 21-22
Our anticipation of Jesus’ return must not remain as theological doctrine; it must fuel and drive our mission. We believe that the Slain Lamb deserves His full inheritance in the nations; thus it is our desire to see the earth become His possession. We believe that He is the promised Jewish Messiah, the Son of David who will sit on His throne in Jerusalem and reign over the nations. We view His coming as the culmination of our faith, where true justice will prevail and He will restore all things through His resurrection power. This eschatological perspective shapes our discipleship and the proclamation of the gospel.
Team Ministry (Diversity of Gifts)
Scripture Reference: 2 Timothy 2:1-3, 3:10-17, Ephesians 4:7-16, Acts 13:3, Isaiah 6
Our foundational belief is that every individual has invaluable gifts given by God to build up the church. Within our community, each member embodies God's provision and grace, integral to our journey towards a deeper communion with Christ. Embracing humility, we acknowledge that no one possesses a monopoly on the knowledge of God, valuing instead the collective revelation of Jesus according to each unique gift and the expression of the fivefold ministry amongst us. We refuse the culture of showmanship and elevation of gifted individuals, choosing instead to cultivate an environment where every gift is nurtured to maturity.