3 Minutes Read
Dear Friends!
What a first quarter of the year it has been. So much has happened on a global scale in the last 5 months but there is undeniably also a sense of hopeful expectation to see God perform His power within the seasons we collectively find ourselves in. Below is a quick update on what we have been up to and an invitation to journey alongside
We called for a 21-day fast sometime in Feb this year. This was followed by the re-opening of the prayer room and the Lord stirring our hearts to contend for the Salvation of Israel. The Lord has been gripping our hearts to contend for His inheritance in the context of us drawing nearer to the end of the age. We experienced a few significant moments where the atmosphere in the prayer room radically shifted the moment we focused our prayers on Israel. We saw people encountering the heart of God and some weeping for the first time for a people they don't even know. The Lord mercifully let us feel the lament of Jesus over Jerusalem in Matthew 23.
As a community, we sense the Lord is tailoring a collective assignment for us. This period of intentional engagement of end-times studies is to prepare us for an assignment of mobilizing the body of Christ in Singapore and the nations to advance the gospel of the Kingdom for the Salvation of Israel. We now make it a commitment to end every set with a segment dedicated to praying for Israel.
The Lord has also been moving in our hearts to contend for the body of Christ and the Church at large in this season from Revelations 3. We have been contending for our hearts not to be de-sensitized by Convid-19 and the "new norm" of life but to press into all that God has prepared for us in this season.
As a community, we have committed ourselves to stay engaged with Him and stand in the gap by corporately beholding, inquiring of Him, responding, and eventually bearing witness of all that He has spoken.
The BH team is committed to serving the body of Christ during these challenging times. We have planned a few initiatives to build up God’s people from the scripture to understand what God is doing with the hope to help anyone interested to grow in confidence in who He is.
Life@BH is a platform to introduce and encourage people to Behold God, Respond to God, Bear Witness of God in the context of community. This is known as the 3-Segment Watch of our Burning Hearts prayer set. This format when learnt can be used in any context, circumstances and community for discipleship
FOBH is a platform of discipleship for the volunteers/BH Community where we engage in biblical studies, conversations & discussions with a focus theme/scripture. This will happen across 4 Saturdays across and May and June. The goal is to equip participants as forerunner messengers who are able to then, engage their local communities in biblical conversations.
The Internship is a consecrated space where people can give 1 month of their lives to fully immerse themselves in the prayer room, scripture engagement and community. The goal is to equip believers to understand the Gospel Narrative and equip them to stay rooted in the place of intimacy while remaining as faithful witnesses of Jesus in this 21st Century world.
**This remains tentative as it is largely dependent on our financial and human resources. Please feel free to reach out if you have a heart for this
If you have been to Burning Hearts Conferences/Prayer Room, you might have heard a few songs that can't be found on media platforms like Spotify and Youtube. The great news is that these songs were birthed in the place of prayer while interacting with the scripture and the heart of God over the last 8 years of Burning Hearts.
These songs that have been inspired by the word of God has the power to shape and give many courage especially during these challenging times. One of our goals is to record and launch a few songs by the end of this year. However, this is also largely subjected to our financial resources. We seek your prayers and support in this.
Please feel free to follow us on our social media platforms for more updated information.