Posts tagged Schedule

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Greetings from the steward’s desk!

We have officially re-opened our prayer room had a special time of prayer for our nation today. Josh Yeoh led us in a time of ministry before the Lord and we spent some time corporately interceding for the Church in this nation.

It will be a slower start in the month of August as we hope to bring the entire community along the journey of where we believe the Lord bringing us. We took one whole month to have our mid-year break to seek the Lord and re-calibrate. A group of us were in Israel, and we crossed our 10th year in the Judean since Burning Hearts started at The Loft Chinatown on 3rd July.

Many significant moments happened over the last few months. We know the Lord is releasing an unusual prophetic swirl during this period with our community, and we would like to share it with you guys. We will be working on a day where we can regroup and regather everyone who has served with BH presently or in the past to honour what the Lord has done in the last ten years and also to share what He is doing presently.

There will be some significant changes, and we will take the month of August to bring us up to date. You can find the Prayer Room Schedule for the month of August below.

Wednesday | 730pm - 930pm

Thursday | 10am - 12pm

Friday | 10am - 12pm

We look forward to see you at the prayer room.

Chief Steward,
